STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl: All Artifacts Guide

Discover all the Artifacts that you can acquire in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl along with their effects and how to get them in our guide.

All Artifacts Guide – STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl

STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl, much like its predecessor, features a thrilling story about humanity and survival. Although the game’s primary focus is the moment-to-moment gameplay, it doesn’t come at the cost of its narrative. Similar to the original Stalker game, the sequel offers various Weapons, Armor, Attachments, and Artifacts that players can equip while progressing. Artifacts are essential for enhancing your character capabilities, allowing you to gain various passive bonuses. In this guide, we will list all the Artifacts available in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl along with their effects and how to get them.

What are Artifacts in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl?

All Artifacts Guide - STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl
All Artifacts Guide – STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl

Artifacts are the equipment items that you can equip to Skif’s gear alongside the suit/armor, mask, two main weapons, a pistol, and and an echo detector. Each Artifact offers various bonuses to certain Status Effects and Resistances. Bonuses like Weight, Radio Protection, Bleeding Resistance, Thermal Protection, etc. Moreover, Artifacts also have negative effects, such as Radiation. The Zone is a dangerous place filled with numerous kinds of Mutants and Bandits. To have an increased chance of survival during the adventure, it is best that you keep certain Artifacts in your inventory to gain certain bonuses.

Artifacts play a crucial role in survival in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. The game introduces the Artifact mechanic to you in the opening hour of the game. During the Prologue mission, you will come across an Echo Detector that will help you track down any nearby Artifact. It is best that you understand the process of finding the Artifact as you will be repeating the same procedure for almost all the Artifacts in the game.

All Artifacts in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl Explored

There are over 25 Artifacts in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl including the ones you get from Anomalies and certain locations. Here are all the Artifacts along with their positive and negative effects.

Artifact NameDescriptionPositive/Negative EffectsHow to Get
BatteryThe high-frequency alternating current glowing within the Battery does not cause burns upon contact.Positive Effect: Endurance (Weak)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Weak)
It is a common artifact you can find in Electro Anomalies.
BubbleThe Bubble’s transparent membrance conceals a substance that resembles the contents of the Fruit Punch anomaly.Positive Bonus: Radio Protection (Medium)It is a common artifact you can find in Acid Anomalies.
CrownDue to its resemblance to a piece of jewelry, the Crown fetches a premium price on the Mainland’s black markets.Positive Effect: Endurance (Weak), Physical Protection (Weak)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Medium)
It is an uncommon artifact you can find in Gravitational Anomalies.
CrystalWhat seems to be the coloring of the artifact is, in fact, flames burning inside the crystal.Positive Effect: Thermal Protection (Weak)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Weak)
It is a common artifact you can find in Thermal Anomalies.
Crystal ThornAn artifact that came out of Professor Dvupalov’s moonshine still.Positive Effect: Radio Protection (Weak)It is a common artifact you can find in Radiation Anomalies.
DropletsWhen subjected to a temperature of absolute zero, the surface of the Droplets coalesces into an opaque black film. It dissolves as the temperature increases.Positive Effect: Thermal Protection (Weak)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Weak)
It is a common artifact found in Thermal Anomalies.
FlawDespite its red-hot appearance, it feels barely warm to the touch, a phenomenon attributed to low thermal conductivity.Positive Effect: Bleeding Resistance (Weak), Weight (Weak)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Medium)
It is an uncommon artifact found in Thermal Anomalies.
FlashWhen the Flash is pulverized into powder, each particle continues to generate electrical discharges.Positive Effect: Electrical Protection (Weak)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Weak)
It is a common artifact you can find in Electro Anomalies.
HarpAmong stalkers, there’s a belief that if you stare into the crystals of this artifact, you hear mysterious music playing.Positive Effect: Bleeding Resistance (Weak), Electrical Protection (Weak)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Weak)
It is an uncommon artifact you can find in Electro Anomalies.
HypercubeThe full potential of this artifact has yet to be discovered. It emits ultra-long radio waves and has potential applications in space navigation.Positive Effect: Thermal Protection (Maximum), Bleeding Resistance (Maximum)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Maximum)
It is a legendary artifact you can find in Thermal Anomalies.
LanternEven those who have completely lost their sight can perceive the light and outline of the artifact when looking in its direction.Positive Effect: Electrical Protection (Medium)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Medium)
It is an uncommon artifact you can find in Electro Anomalies.
Magic CubeWhen exposed to the infrared spectrum, it becomes transparent.Positive Effect: Physical Protection (Strong)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Maximum)
It is a rare artifact you can find in Gravitational Anomalies.
MagmaThe stone flecks within the artifact seem to possess a gravitational field of their own.Positive Effect: Thermal Protection (Weak), Weight (Weak)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Medium)
It is an uncommon artifact you can find in Thermal Anomalies.
MicaWhen exposed to ultraviolet or infrared light, the Mica loses its transparency, becoming pitch black.Positive Effect: Radio Protection (Weak)  It is a common artifact you can find in Acid Anomalies.
MoldFacilitates the rapid growth of fungi and microbes. Storing it alongside foodstuffs, including canned goods, is not advised.Positive Effect: Chemical Protection (Weak)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Weak)
It is a common artifact you can find in Acid Anomalies.
MoonlightA single contact with this artifact may inspire certain individuals with a desire to possess it. As of now, the underlying causes are yet to be determined.Positive Effect: Electrical Protection (Medium)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Medium)
It is an uncommon artifact you can find in Electro Anomalies.
PlasmaDefense contractors actively hunt for Plasma artifacts on the Mainland’s black markets.Positive Effect: Thermal Protection (Medium) Negative Effect: Radiation (Medium)It is an uncommon artifact you can find in Thermal Anomalies. 
Rat KingEvery wire within the tangle generates an electromagnetic field, causing the Rat King to continuously move.Positive Effect: Bleeding Resistance (Weak), Electrical Protection (Weak) Negative Effect: Radiation (Weak)It is a common artifact you can find in Electro Anomalies.
SapphireAccording to stalker folklore, smuggling a Sapphire in someone else’s gear will pass on the troubles of the previous owner to the new one.Positive Effect: Bleeding Resistance (Weak), Endurance (Weak)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Weak)
It is a common artifact you can find in Electro Anomalies. 
ShellCaution: risk of injury even under controlled laboratory conditions. Avoid inserting fingers between the disks!Positive Effect: Endurance (Weak) Negative Effect: Radiation (Weak)It is a common artifact you can find in Electro Anomalies.
SlugWhen hit by a heavy object or dropped onto a hard surface, the Slug quickly hardens for 0.1 seconds.Positive Effect: Radio Protection (Weak)  It is a common artifact you can find in Acid Anomalies.
SoulDespite its apparent fragility, the artifact remains impervious to destruction via mechanical, thermal, or chemical means.Positive Effect: Endurance (Medium)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Medium)
It is an uncommon artifact you can find in Electro Anomalies.
SpinnerThe color of the sparks from the artifact transitions to a pale green when taken outside the Zone.Positive Effect: Bleeding Resistance (Weak)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Weak)
It is a common artifact you can find in Thermal Anomalies.
Stone BloodThe reddish-brown veins on the Stone Blood’s surface are due to the accumulation of iron salts.Positive Effect: Weight (Weak)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Weak)
It is a common artifact you can find in Gravitational Anomalies. 
Stone HeartAccording to stalker legends, if you cut out a controller’s heart, it will look exactly like this artifact.Positive Effect: Weight (Weak)
Negative Effect: Radiation (Weak)
It is a common artifact you can find in Gravitational Anomalies.
Weird BallOne of the legendary “altered items” often mentioned in hushed tones by stalkers around the campfire. A child’s ball, oddly weighty. Equipping it seems to reduce bullet damage in combat, particularly when standing still.Unique Effect: Reduces bullet damage when standing still.At Bulba Area in Lesser Zone region.
All Artifacts in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl

What is the purpose of Artifacts in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl?

Artifacts grant additional bonuses to the Status Effects and Resistance of Skif (main protagonist). They are essential to enhancing Skif’s capabilities to some extent as there are not any leveling or skill systems in the game to upgrade the character’s capabilities. Equipping the Artifacts in the equipment slots of the character will activate the bonuses of the equipped Artifacts. However, be aware of the negative effects that come with the bonuses. If you have more equipment slots for the Artifacts, you can always equip different Artifacts to mitigate the negative effect.

For instance, by acquiring Artifacts like Stone Heart, Stone Blood, or Magma for the Weight Increment bonus, you will get a negative bonus of Radiation. You can mitigate the Radiation effect by equipping Artifacts like Slug, Mica, or Crystal Thorn in the other available Artifact equipment slot.

How to obtain Artifacts in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl?

Artifacts mainly spawn in the numerous types of Anomalies in the Zone. To get the Artifacts, you will have to use the Echo Detector to track the Artifact in the Anomaly. After that, as you get to the location of the Artifact within the Anomaly, it will drop on the ground and you can pick it up. Anomalies like Thermal, Acid, Chemical, Electro, and Gravitational are a few of the most common that you will encounter while exploring the Zone.

You can encounter most of the Anomalies at the Point of Interest marks on the map. Travel to the “?” mark on the map to possibly encounter an Anomaly and equip the Echo Detector in the left hand. If the detector shows a Blue Light with the beeping, it means there is a guaranteed Artifact in the Anomaly. However, if you do not see any Blue Light but hear beeping, then it is just the Anomaly.

Moreover, there are some special Artifacts known as Arch-Artifact that can only be found at a certain location. Unlike the regular Artifacts that grant passive bonuses and negative effects, these special Artifacts have a unique effect. However, these Artifacts are limited and you cannot get multiple of them like the regular Artifacts.

How to Farm Artifacts in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornoby

All Artifacts in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl spawn randomly in their corresponding nature of Anomaly, except the Arch-Artifacts. As you get the regular Artifacts from the Anomalies, you can check again at those similar types of Anomalies to get the same Artifact again. Artifacts respawn after some time in the Anomalies, but the exact time is uncertain. You can repeat the process of going to the Point of Interest marks on the map and track the Artifacts. As you acquire the duplicates of Artifacts that you already have, you can sell them to Merchants for a high amount of money.

Moreover, you can also improve your efficiency in farming Artifacts by getting the better Echo Detectors in the game. There are two better versions of Echo Detectors that you can get by progressing in the main story and completing certain quests. The two main quests during which you can get a new type of Echo Detector are “Budmo!” and “A Sign of Hope“.

In Budmo!, you can gather a detector that reveals the distance between you and a nearby artifact. This is obtained by opening the stash near the power transmission pylon.

While playing A Sign of Hope, you don’t have to worry about the consequences of the choice if you wish to unlock a new detector. You will receive one regardless. Just finish this mission and you will obtain a new echo detector. This one tells you the direction you need to take to reach the new artifact and how close you are to it.

How to use Artifacts in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl?

Artifact in Equipment Slot - STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl
Artifact in Equipment Slot – STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl

You can use Artifacts to gain certain passive bonuses that can increase the character’s capabilities. However, there is a negative effect that comes with the passive bonus. To equip the Artifact on the character, open the Inventory Menu and place the Artifact in the Equipment Slot. The Equipment Slots for Artifacts are beneath the Echo Detector and Skif’s Pistol. There are five Equipment Slots for Artifacts, but you will have access to only one in the beginning of the game. However, as you upgrade the Armor/Suit or acquire an advanced Armor/Suit, you will gain more slots.

Having multiple slots for Artifacts will allow you to equip multiple Artifacts at once, giving you various passive bonuses along with negative effects. However, you can mitigate the negative effects by equipping other Artifacts that grant passive bonuses for those negative effects. As we mentioned above, if you are getting a Radiation negative effect, equip the Artifacts that grant the Radio Protection effect to mitigate the Radiation negative effect.

FAQs About Attachments in Stalker 2 Heart of Chornobyl

1. Question: What are artifacts in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series?

Answer: Artifacts are the equipment items in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series that grant various passive bonuses to Status Effects and Resistance. Players can equip Artifacts to enhance the main protagonist’s capabilities as there are no leveling or skill systems for the character in the games. The latest installment of the series, S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2: Heart of Chornobyl is no different, and players can acquire various Artifacts to make the journey somewhat easier.

2. Question: Where can I find artifacts?

Answer: Artifacts mainly spawn in the numerous types of Anomalies in the Zone. To get the Artifacts, you will have to use the Echo Detector to track the Artifact in the Anomaly. After that, as you get to the location of the Artifact within the Anomaly, it will drop on the ground and you can pick it up. Moreover, there are special Artifacts that only spawn in certain locations.

3. Question: Should I sell or keep artifacts?

Answer: Artifacts are valuable equipment items that can net you a high amount of coupons (main currency). However, the Artifacts are essential for gaining various passive bonuses that can improve your gameplay. It is better to keep Artifacts with you, but if you farm Artifacts and get duplicates of Artifacts, you can sell the duplicates for money.

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