
Destiny 2 Briars Contempt God Roll and How to Get

Welcome to our Briar’s Contempt God Roll guide. The Briar’s Contempt is an Aggressive Frame Linear Fusion Rifle that can be obtained as a drop from the Root of Nightmares raid available with the Lightfall Expansion. Like most newer raid weapons, Briar’s Contempt can be crafted once it Resonant Pattern is unlocked. This gun has some insane perks that allow it to do more damage and hold an increased amount of magazine rounds.

Related: All God Roll Weapons Guides

Why You Should Get Briar’s Contempt Linear Fusion Rifle?

You should get Briar’s Contempt Linear Fusion Rifle because it is powerful weapon with an excellent perk pool. Solar weapons pair excellently with solar subclass builds, and this weapon can do that and so much more. It has several unique and interesting perks in its pool allowing for some very powerful combinations. With certain perks and mod combinations it can hold 14 rounds in its magazine, allowing it to put 42 total bolts downrange. Here’s our list of why you should get the Briar’s Contempt Linear Fusion Rifle:

  • Powerful, unique perk combinations
  • Can have insane uptime with the largest magazine of any Linear Fusion
  • Incandescent works extremely well with solar builds
  • Craftable

How to Obtain Briars Contempt?

Destiny 2 Root of Nightmares Loot Table - Full list
Destiny 2 Root of Nightmares Loot Table – Full list

Briar’s Contempt is obtained in the Root of Nightmares raid from the Lightfall Expansion. Specifically it has a chance to drop from the the 1st Encounter and the Final Encounter. Once acquired for the first time, it has a chance to drop from the two hidden chest as well. Every drop has a chance to drop with Deepsight Resonance, which can be extracted to unlock the pattern for crafting the weapon. After the final encounter, Nezerac’s Scythe can be interacted with to focus the weapon with Spoils of Conquest provided the weapon has been obtained before and unlocked in collections. Once per week, the first weapon focused this way will have guaranteed Deepsight Resonance.

Related: Destiny 2 Root of Nightmares: Loot Table – Full list

PvE Briar’s Contempt God Roll

BarrelArrowhead Brake
BatteryEnhanced Battery
Perk 1Reconstruction
Perk 2Frenzy
Origin TraitHarmonic Resonance
MasterworkCharge Time
ModBoss Spec

Barrel: Aggressive Frame Linear Fusion Rifles have a lot of kick. Arrowhead Brake gives the weapon much easier recoil control.

Magazine: Enhanced Battery is a great choice on most Linear Fusion Rifles. On this one it is an absolute monster when combined with Reconstruction and and a Backup Mag mod giving the weapon a total magazine size of 14. That is a crazy 42 shots on an Aggressive Frame Linear Fusion Rifle.

Briar's Contempt PvE God Roll
Image via

Column 3 Perk: Reconstruction is an amazing perk on almost every special and heavy weapon it can roll on. More shots in the magazine while also Auto-loading is just insanely powerful.

Column 4 Perk: While the best overall choice for column 4 is probably Frenzy, there are other perks here that work great as well. Focused Fury and Paracausal Affinity deserve shout outs. Avoid High-Impact Reserves as it does not play well with Reconstruction.

Origin Trait: No choice here, but using more of the raid weapons will buff this weapon.

Masterwork: With Linear Fusion Rifles, putting as many bolts down range is where the damage comes from. The damage loss is more than made up for by the increase in shots fired.

Mod: Backup Mag will give Briar’s Contempt an extra burst in the mag on a normal reload and 2 more on a Reconstruction reload. That is ridiculously powerful. Flex it out with Boss Spec for shorter boss damage phases.

Conclusion: Briar’s Contempt can put an absolutely insane amount of bolts down range. This makes it an absolute monster for long boss damage phases. It will get eclipsed in shorter boss phases by other weapons, but its still a powerful weapon to add to the arsenal.

PvP Briar’s Contempt God Roll

BarrelFull Bore
BatteryProjection Fuse
Perk 1Keep Away
Perk 2High-Impact Reserves
Origin TraitHarmonic Resonance
ModTargeting Adjuster

Barrel: In PvP, Linear Fusion Rifles work best with more Range to get the Accuracy Cone to work further off. Full Bore gets the biggest boost for this. Hammer-Forged Rifling and Extended Barrel will also work here.

Magazine: Again, the more Range the Briar’s Contempt can get the better, so Projection Fuse gets that done.

Briar's Contempt PvP God Roll
Image via

Column 3 Perk: There aren’t a lot of great PvP perks in Column 3, but the best choice is Keep Away. Linear Fusion Rifles are going to be used at a range anyway.

Column 4 Perk: In PvP, when heavy ammo is acquired your magazine is only partially filled, and this allows High-Impact Reserves to be active almost immediately.

Origin Trait: No choice here, but using more of the raid weapons will buff this weapon.

Masterwork/Frame: Range is the best choice for our Masterwork/Frame as it directly increases the ability for the weapon to hit its target.

Mod: Targeting Adjuster is always an easy choice for PvP. For more aerial play, consider Icarus Grip instead.

Conclusion: Of the Linear Fusion Rifles, Aggressive Frames are the better choice for PvP because they fire in a burst. They typically aren’t used though as most players choice for a more easy single kill choice such as Rocket Launchers or Grenade Launchers.

More Destiny 2 Lightfall Guides and Builds

Thank you for reading our Destiny 2 Briar’s Contempt God Roll guide. Keep in mind, this weapon will work with any class (Hunter, Titan, Warlock) any subclass (Solar, Void, Stasis, Arc, Strand) and any PvE (Strikes, Nightfalls, Lost Sectors, Vanguard Operation, Dungeons, Raids) and PvP Mode in Destiny 2 (Crucible, Gambit, Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner).

I play every aspect of MMO, Solo, PvP and PvE. If you want to see more of Destiny 2 or ESO, consider watching me live on Twitch or Youtube. Also, we regularly post Destiny 2 news builds and Seasonal and Weapon God Rolls guides.